Music Auditions
Please visit the ensemble pages for information about auditions.
Performance study
All students wishing to sign-up for voice lessons are required to sing a simple 5-minute audition either online or in person. You may pick any vocal or choral piece/excerpt of your choosing, or even sing Happy Birthday! You may also be asked to sing back a short vocal exercise which will be demonstrated for you. Please contact Professor Sherezade (Sherry) Panthaki with any questions.
New incoming students are required to fill out this Audition Intake Form. After filling out the form, please sign up for an audition.
This audition is only for new incoming students. Students who have taken individual performance study with Professors Sherezade Panthaki, Eileen Ruby, Sarah Callinen or Corey Shotwell do not need to re-audition, unless they wish to change studios.
Please fill out the piano audition sign-up form to choose an audition time.
You are asked to play a selection that best shows off your facility at the keyboard. Even if you are unable to play anything, please come speak with the piano faculty during your allotted time.
Contact Mark Gionfriddo with any questions.
If you are interested in playing flute in the Symphony Orchestra, please follow the Orchestra audition requirements. If you are only interested in taking lessons, contact Adrienne Greenbaum.
Orchestral instruments
Visit the orchestra page for orchestra audition information.
Other instruments
All other instruments can contact the instructor directly. Please see this list of Individual Performance Studies instructors you may contact.
Chamber Music
Students interested in taking chamber music should complete the Chamber Music Form online.
All musicians interested in a wind, brass, string or percussion chamber ensembles should follow the Symphony Orchestra audition requirements and sign up for an audition there.
Results will be announced by the end of the week.
Flute Choir
Auditions will take place after the first rehearsal. Please prepare a piece of your own choosing. Contact Alison Hale with any questions.
Klezmer band
Contact Adrianne Greenbaum to set up an audition time.
Contact us
Department of Music
The Music Department offers a program exploring the history, theory, literature, performance and cross-cultural study of music.
- 413-538-2306
- 208 Pratt Hall