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Day, I. (2024) One Week Residency and Conference: “Crisis and Urgency: Scholarship in a Shifting World,” Japan Association for American Studies, Kyoto University, Japan.

Day I. (2021) Invited Fellow at the Asian American Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Fellowship is for six months.

Day, I. (2021) William H. Morton Distinguished Senior Fellow, Leslie Center for the Humanities, Dartmouth College. Institute focus: Transnational and Decolonial Humanities: U.S. Ethnic Studies and Its Global Other

Day, I. (2024) “Haunted by Answers.” Guest Column in Daily Hampshire Gazette, online and print, Jan 9, 2024. Retrieved from: https://www.gazettenet.com/Guest-columnist-Day-53579030

Day, I. (2024). “Crisis Infrastructures.” Forum essay on Laleh Khalili’s Sinews of War and Trade. Critical Ethnic Studies 8.2

Day I. and Kono S. (2023). “Afterword.” Genbaku no uta—Poetry after the Atomic Bomb: A Collection of Tanka Poetry by Hideko Kono. Ed. Yumie Kono. Trans. Yumie Kono and Ariel O’Sullivan. Nagano: Mokuseisha Press.

Day, I. (2022) “In Conversation with Artist Ken Lum.” The Brooklyn Rail. July /August 2002.

Day I. (2022). “Nuclear Anti-politics and the Queer Art of Logistical Failure.” Colonial Racial Capitalism. Susan Koshy, Lisa Cacho, Jodi A. Byrd, Brian Jordan Jefferson (Eds). Durham: Duke University Press.

Day, I. (2022) “Eco-criticism and Primitive Accumulation in Indigenous Studies.” After Marx: Literary criticism and the critique of value. C. Lye and C. Nealon (Eds). London: Cambridge University Press.

Day, I (2021). Exclusion Acts: Iyko Day on Asian Hate Through the Prism of Anti-Blackness. Artforum May 13, 2021.