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Sinha Akilah Noel Charlemagne ’00 Alan Anderson Alan Anderson Alan Durfee Alan van Giessen Alan Werner Alanna Hoyer-Leitzel Alberto Sandoval Alessandra Hickson ’09 Alex Crean ’12 Alex Donkor Alex Gonzalez Alex Moskowitz Alex Wirth-Cauchon Alexandra Turshen ’09 Alexi Arango Alexis Eldred ’22 Alexis MacGregor Ali Aslam Ali Ingellis ’07 Alice Robbins Alice Rose Alice Shin-Yi Kao Alicia Erwin Alicia Lopez Alison Costello Alison Hale Alison Hopkins Alison LaRosa Alison Rogers Cove ’12 Alison West Allen Bonde Allie Smith Allison Butler ’05 Allison Monroe Ally Senecal Alyssa Foss Alyssa Norris Alyxander Burns Amanda Awadey Amanda Donohue Amanda Dumais Amanda Florek Amanda Geno Amanda Maciuba Amanda Mayfield Amedeo DeCara Amelia Ender Amia Dixon Amina Steinfels Amy Asadoorian Amy Chang Amy E. Markham Amy E. Martin Amy Frary Amy Hitchcock Camp Amy Rodgers Ana Abraham Ana Yankova ’97 Andrae Green André White Andrea Lawlor Andrea Ricketts-Preston Andrea Whitcomb Andres Ramirez Andrew G. Reiter Andrew Lass Andy Walter Angela Willey Angelica Patterson Angelo Mazzocco Angie Gregory Anisha Chadha Ann Zito Anna Domings Anna Fung-Morley Anna Hope Ph.D. Anna Maria Hong Anne Hofmann Anne McKenny ’79 Annie Clattenburg Annie O'Byrne ’13 Annie Sussman Annmarie Murdzia Anouk Alquier Anthony Lee Antonio Illescas April Stroud Arden Ali Arie Shaus Ashanta Evans Blackwell ’95 Ashley Bohan Ashley Figueiredo Audrey Markarian ’07 Audrey St. John August Bates Autumn Reynolds Averi Barthelette Avice Meehan ’77 Ayca Zayim Balbir Singh Barbara Bunyan Barbara Rotundo Barbara Smith Barbara Staudt Lerner Barbie Diewald Bardee Sadlier Barry Wadsworth Beatriz Vazquez, CMA Beckie Markarian ’07 Becky Wai-Ling Packard Beena Proctor Ben Boatwright Ben Geyer Ben Pittman-Polletta Benjamin Gebre-Medhin Bess Weatherman ’82 Beth Brady Beth Donnelly Cabán Beth Howland Bett Schumacher Bettina Bergmann Bianka Ballina Bill Ivey Bradley Williams Brahim Oulbeid Brenda Payette Brett Taylor Bri Rhodes Brian Clark Brian James Brian Mayton Brian O’Donnell Brian Smith Briana Chace Brianna Crowley Brianna Ross Bridget Barrett Bridget Carroll Brittany Maldonado Bruce M. Arnold Bryan Hunter C. Ross C.J. Law Caedyn Busche ’17 Caitlin Lambert ’09 Caitlin Mahaffy Calvin Chen Candy Alexandra González ’14 Cara Lapenas Cara Murphy ’14 Cari Wiater Carl M. Ries Carly Basile ’16 Carlyle Hodges Carole E. Straw Caroline Loomis Carolyn P. Collette Carolyn Santiago Carolyn Shread Carrie Hosman Carter Gemerchak ’14 Casey Donovan Cassandra Sever Catarina Costa Catharine Melhorn Catherine Baker Catherine Bloom Catherine Corson Catherine Gibson ’77 Catherine Le Gouis Catherine Shankweiler, PT, MS Catherine Swift Cathy Robert Catie Gilman Celines Ramirez Charisse Pickron ’08 Charlene Bellows Charlene Morrow Charles Flachs Charles Huang Charles Romer Charlotte Rich Chassidy Bozeman Chérie Amour Pittman Cheryl A. Flynn, MD, MS, MA Cheryl McGraw Chloe Drummond Chloé Zhao Chmba Ellen Chilemba ’17 Chris Domina Chris Kostek Chrissa Lindahl Christian Feuerstein Christian Gunderman Christina Lafreniere Christina Quimby ’12 Christopher Benfey Christopher H. Pyle Christopher Letourneau Christopher Mitchell Christopher Rivers Cindy LePage Claire Floyd-Lapp BA Claire Pless Claude Fennema Colin Britt Colleen O'Connor-Rickey Connell Heady Cora Fernandez Anderson Corey Flanders Corey J. Lynch Corey Shotwell Corinne M. Demas Corinne Miller Corlan Smith Courtney A. Jones Moore ’87 Courtney Minden Craig Woodard Cristian Rodriguez Avila Cristina Mitchell D. Caleb Smith Dade Scolardi, LCSW Daisy Reyes, LICSW Dan Langa Dan Larga Dana Gillette Daniel Brooks Daniel Czitrom Daniel Hanelin Danielle Johnson Danielle Lund Danielle R. Holley Darren G. Hamilton David Allen David Barthelette David Griffith David Hernández David Picchi David Powicki David Rogala David W. Sanford Debbora Battaglia Deborah A. Northcross ’73 Deborah Gilwood Deborah Harkness, Ph.D. Deborah Peart Crayton Deborah Richards Debra Chamberland Debra LaBonte Debra Martin Chase Denise Falk Dennis Bowen Dennis Saletnik Derek Young Desmond Fitz-Gibbon Devon Kelting, PsyD Diana Stein Diane Jones Lowrey ’83 Diane Mulvaney Diane Uwacu Dianne Baranowski Dimaris Barrios-Beltrán Dinko Hanaan Dinko Dino Giordano Divanni Polanco Santana Dominique Rampton Donal O'Shea Donald Weber Donna Van Handle Douglas J. Amy Dylan Shepardson Edwina J. Cruise Eileen Cooper Eleanor R. Townsley Elena García Frazier Elif Babül Elise Kuypers Elisha Bonilla Elissa D. Gelfand Elizabeth (Beth) Feeney, Ph.D. Elizabeth Antonellis Elizabeth Donaldson Elizabeth K. Markovits Elizabeth Pyle Elizabeth Topham Kennan Elizabeth Young Elizaveta Lozovaya Ella Grasso Elle Bukosky ’22 Ellen Alvord ’89 Ellen C. Rutan Ellen Perrella Ellie Goudie-Averill Ellie Viggiani Elliot Montague Elsie M. Parrilla Velázquez, LICSW Emily Allyn Emily Branton Emily Dean Emily DeMartino DNP, APRN, NP-C Emily Dickinson 1849 Emily Thurlow Emily Wood Emma Powers Erdim Yilmaz Eric Levine Eric Schildge Erica Weathers, LICSW Erin Casioppo Esther Castro Cuenca Esther Howland 1847 Ethan Pope, PMHNP Ethel Poindexter Eugene D. Hill Eugenia Herbert Eugenio Marcano Eva Diaz Eva Paus Evelyn Trier Fadia Hasan Faith Conant Farah Khan ’98 Fatoumata Gadjigo Felicity Aulino Flávia Terra Cunha Flonia Telegrafi Florence Sophie Schorske Wald ’38 Frances Perkins Francine Deutsch Frank Brownlow Fred Moseley Frederick Kroll Frederick McGinness Gabi Gregg Gabriele Wittig Davis Gabrielle Rodzen Gail A. Hornstein Gary Gillis Gary Laverdiere Gary Steigerwalt Geoffrey S. Sumi Gia Thomson Girma Kebbede Giuliana Davidoff Gloria Reyes Gretchen Peltier Gwen Bass Hal Brown, LICSW Hallie Nath ’92 Hannah Goodwin Harriet Pollatsek Heather Bayne Heather Hamilton Heather K. McDonald, Ed.D. Heather Pon-Barry Heather Vickery Heidi Fessenden Hetal Patel Hilary Caws-Elwitt Hilary Glick Himali Jayathilake Holly Graham Holly Hanson Holly Metcalf Holly Sharac Hope Giles ’87 Howard Nicholson Hut Beall Ian Berg Imran Chaudhry Indira Peterson Indyasia Fowler Ines Silva-Rivera Iris Carpio Isabelle Beaudry Ishfaaq Mohammed Imtiyas Iyko Day Izabela Karch J.T. Martin Jack Arcouette Jackson Matos Jacob Rivers Jacqueline Collette Jacquelyne Luce Jacques Perivier Jaime DeCaro Jaime Grillo Ed.D. Jake Toomey James Broussard James Bruce James Coleman James Hanson MAT'16 James Harold James Hartley James McCauley James Morrow James T. Cavanaugh James Wehner Jamie Farnum Jamie Gasperini Jamie Kile Jan Szymaszek Jane Couperus Jane F. Crosthwaite Janelle L. Gagnon Janet Craig, RN, BSN Janet Crosby Janet Litster Rideout Janice A. Gifford Janice Abert ’82 Janyce Carroll Jared Schwartzer Jason Andras Jason Proctor Jay Mendoza Jean M. Janecki Jean Sammet Jeanne Friedman Jeanne Kenney Jeffrey A. Knight Jemelleh Coes Jen Brock Jen Paulhus Jenna Russo Jennie Bergeron Jennifer Grow ’94 Jennifer Hartshorn Jennifer Holstrom Jennifer Medina Jennifer Tuleja Jennifer Wallace Jacoby Jenny Watermill Jens Christiansen Jensen Glick Jeremy King Jersey Cosantino Jessica Ayer Jessica Bonzek Jessica Maier Jessie Blum Jill L. Bubier Jill Pietrantonio Jinhwa Chang Joan Cinner Joan Cocks Joanne V. Creighton Johanna Knox Johanna Milburn Johannes Norling John Burt John Holland John Lemly John M. Burt John Rapoport John T. Grayson John Tawa John Weinert Jon Western 1963—2022 Jonathan Lipman Jordan Lassonde ’16 Jorrel Campbell Joseph Cohen Joseph Ellis Joseph Smith Josh Dufresne Josh Powers Joshua Boydstun Joshua Hotaka Roth Joshua Parker Jovanna Robinson-Hidas ’16 Joy Kellen Joy W. Collins Joyce Devlin Ju Young Hong Jude Hayward-Jansen Judith Dyjach Judy Maruca, APRN Julie Brown Julie Ogg FP’22, P’14 Julie Parks Julie Yurgielewicz Jumee Lee Justin Crumbaugh Justin Minkel Justin Terlisner K. Dymek Kaia Zimmerman Kaneka Turner Karel Larson Karen Carey Karen Couture Karen Franz Karen Hollis Karen O’Connell Karen Remmler Karen Schweitzer Karen-Marie Harrington Karena Strella ’90 Karla Youngblood Kassandra Jolley Kat Janeczek Kate Ballantine Kate Coolidge-Bender Kate Lepore Kate Molloy Kate Rajbhandari Kate Sawicki Kate Singer Katerina Drakoulaki Katherine Aidala Katherine Bassett Katherine Binder Katherine C. (KC) Haydon Katherine Schmeiser Lande Kathleen Holt Kathleen Koske Kathryn A. McMenimen Kathryn Eldred Kathryn Lipp Kathy Cadorette Katia Vavova Katie Berry Katie Dick Katie Lester Katie Moran, RN, BSN Katie Walker Katisha John Katy McNally Katy Smith Kavita Khory Kay White Keeley Anderson Keith Michel Kelley O'Carroll Kelli Wainscott Kellie Cournoyer Kellie Gallivan Kelly Carriere Kelly Clare Kelly Uccello FP'03 Kelly Woods Kendra Kuhn, RN Kendra Weisbin Kenneth Colodner Kenneth H. Tucker, Jr. Kerry Fisher Kerry Ouimette Kerstin Nordstrom Kevin Fournier Kevin Henderson Kevin Surprise Kijua Sanders-McMurtry Kim Evans Kimberly Condino Kimberly Kedziorek ’98 Kimberly Lavoie Kimberly Ouimet Kimberly Parent Kinuyo Kanamaru Kira Banks ’00 Kris Camp Kris Rose Kristen Fossum Kristen Maye Kristen Whitlow Kristie A. Ford Kristie Jackson Kristin Balboni Kristopher Dawson Kyae-Sung Park Kyle Broaders Kyoungmin (Kay) Cho Lale Topcuoglu ’99 Lan Cao ’83 Lan Wu Larry Schipull Latrina L. Denson Laura Lyman Laura Minsky Laura Sattler Laura Shea Laura Sizer Lauren Gaia Lauren Giordano Lauren Katz ’07 Lauren Lamb Lauren Mattone Lauren McKenna Lauren Robinson Lauret Savoy Laurie Cameron Laurie Gherardi Laurie Priest Laurie Tupper Lawrence Fine Leah Glasser Lee Bowie Lenore Reilly Leslie Fraser Lester Senechal Lexi Holloway Lexxey Boron Smith ’20 Li Cornfeld Lidia Mrad Ligia Bouton Lilian Hsu Lilly Saitz ’22 Lily Carone Lina Rivero Cashin ’88 Linda Chesky Fernandes Linda Laderach Linda Woods Lindsay Adkins Lisa A. Ballesteros Lisa Balicki Lisa Haber-Thomson Lisa Iglesias Lisa Raine Lisa Ritchie Lisa Sullivan Lisanne Manzi Lisha Xu Liz Laird Liz Sawyer Liz Sevigny ’23 Lori B. Smith Lori Fiore Lori Gould Lori McCabe Lorna Ritz Loryn Engelbrecht Louise Labrie Louise Litterick Lourdes Melgar ’85, P’24 Lowell Gudmundson Lucas de Lima Lucas Wilson Luisa M. Tavares Luisa Neves-Jarrett Luke Jaeger Luna Thomes ’24 Lydia Malone ’13 Lynda Morgan Lynda Pickbourn Lynn Lovell Lynn M. Morgan Lynn Mercier Lynn Miller M. Darby Dyar Mack Windus ’24 Madeleine Cohen Madeline Dethloff Malgorzata Lach Manju Sharma Mara Benjamin Mara Breen Marcella Runell, Ed.D. Margaret (Gretchen) Lay Margaret Robinson Maria Alexandra Gomez Maria Cartagena Maria Kochiras ’85 Marianna Dixon Williams Marianne DePatie Fouhey ’78 Marie DiRuzza Marilyn Coffey Marilyn Pryor Marion G. Miller Marisol Fernandez de Cordova ’20 Mark Brunelle Mark C. Shea Mark Gionfriddo Mark Holubowich Mark McMenamin Markeisha Miner ’99 Marria Carrington Marta Garcia Marta Sabariego Martha Godchaux Martha Hoopes Mary Allison "MAK" Kane Mary Ann Deignan ’84 Mary Fleischli Mary J. Monohon Mary Renda Mary Simeoli Maryse Jayasuriya ’97 Matteo Pangallo Matthew C. Watson Mattia Boccuti Maura Brennan Maura Campbell Max Wilhelm May George Meaghan Murphy-Rennie Meg Pash Megan Saltzman Meghan Kelly Meghan Safford Meghan Stauts Melinda Spratlan Melissa Burke Melissa Sherman Tassinari ’75 Melody Su Mendal Diana Polish Meredith Bove Meredith Coleman-Tobias Meredith Stanley Michael Brignolo Michael Burns Michael Donais Michael Flynn Michael Graham Michael Hyer Michael Kuilan Michael McGrath Michael Ofori Michael Robinson Michael T. Davis Michele Eastman Michelle Carbonneau, LICSW Michelle Hamelin Michelle J. Markley Michelle S. Leclerc Michelle St. James Mickey Prout Mika Keezing Mikayla Wagstaff Mike Krupa Mike McKenna Mikiba W. Morehead Miles Reinstein ’22 Minhee Kang Mo Ripp Mohamed Hassan Mohammed Jiyad Moira Pulitzer-Kennedy Molly Keehn Molly McCutcheon Mona Sutphen ’89 Monica Landry ’90 Monica Landry ’90 Monica Washington Morena Svaldi Morgan Lynch Mustapha Braimah Nadia Latif Nahla Khalil Nancie Fimbel ’68 Nancy B. Campbell Nancy Gardner Nancy Holden-Avard Naoko Nemoto Naomi Barry-Pérez ’96 Naomi Darling Naomi Dupre-Edelman MATM’21 Nashalie Vazquez Natalie Herter Natalina Tulik Natasha Matos Natasha Mohanty ’03 Nathan K. Lee Nathan Rabidoux Nia Bartolucci Niamh Timmons Nichole McClellan Nick Bader Nicole C. Vaget Nicole Fizznoglia Nicole Gilbert Cote Nicole Villacrés-Reyes ’18 Nicole Walsh Nieves Romero-Díaz Nigel Alderman Nikki Cannici ’04 Nina Emery Nina Frank Nita Lowey Noah Ilya-Alexis Tuleja Nona Monahin Olabode Festus Omojola Olivia Aguilar Olivia Clement Finch Olivia Wilson Ombretta Frau Oyinade Ogunbekun Wielock ’07 Pam Mulcahy Paola A. Gallego Marin Pasqualina Azzarello Pat Bingham Patricia A. Banks Patricia Dawson Patricia Ramsey Patty Brennan Paul Bolinger Paul Dobosh Paul LaFleur Paul Matteson Paul Menard Paul Staiti Paula Debnar Paula Pierce Pearl-Henry Schleinig Peggy Stevens Penny Gill Perrin Bernard Perrine Meunier-Jones Peter Berek Peter Cowles Peter Enggass Peter Gruber Peter Haas Peter J. Scotto Peter T. Jones Phillip de Fremery Phyllis Clapis, PT, MS Pilar Eguez Guevara Polly Prewitt-Freilino Polly Wagner Preston H. Smith II R. Alberto Castilla Rachael Smith Rachel Alldis Rachel Beane Rachel Beth Sayet Rachel Fink Rachel Hems Raj Seshadri ’87 Randy Crochier Raymond LaBarre Rebecca Read Rebecca Thomas Rebeccah Lijek Ren-yo Hwang Renae Brodie Rhynette Northcross Hurd ’71 Richard Chu Richard D. Moran Rick Feldman Ricky Klavon Riley Ames Rob Higley Robert B. Shaw Robert Darrow Robert Eisenstein Robert Quarles Robert Robertson Robert Schwartz Robert Shilkret Robert Weaver Roberta Cordano Roberto Márquez Roberto Mugnani Robin Blaetz Robin Randall Roger Gove Romina Kostare Rory Mason Rosalind George Rose Marie Flachs Rumbi Bwerinofa-Petrozzello Russell Allen BA Ruth Hornsby Ruth Muskrat Bronson 1925 Ruth Rauluk Ruthanne Buck Sabra Thorner Sabrina L. Maurer ’90 Sage Manhannah Sally Durdan ’81 Sally Sutherland Samantha Skynner Samba Gadjigo Samuel Barber Samuel Mitchell Sandra Dennis Sandra M. Lawrence Sandra Russell Sara English Sara Menker ’04 Sarah Adelman Sarah Bacon Sarah Bent Sarah Brown Wessling Sarah Callinan Sarah Frenette Sarah Garijo-Garde Sarah Harrison Sarah Stefana Smith Sarita Gupta ’96 Satyananda J. Gabriel Scott Bassler Scott Cooley Scott Pemrick Sean Hart Sean Jackson Serin D. Houston Seth Irwin Shaina Sadai Shakia Barron Shana Hansell Shanna Peeples Shannon Burke Shannon Lynch Shannon Mastrangelo Shantell Barnette Sharon Crow Shaun Marshall Shauna Hedgepeth Shawn Kelsey Sheffra Spiridopoulos Sheila Ewing Browne Sheila Lirio Marcelo Shelby Regner Shelley Leclerc Shelley Weiner ’68 Sherezade Panthaki Shirley Wilcher ’73 Shirley Yuanrui Li, LICSW Siham Kazi Sohail Hashmi Sonya Stephens Sovina Mansfield Spencer Smith Stacey Hurley Stacey Lyons Stacey Pare Stan Rachootin Steph Gomez Stephanie Charbonnet Stephanie Roszko Stephen Ellenburg Stephen Jones Steven R. Dunn Steven Schmeiser Suchi Saria ’04 Sue LaBarre Sue Sormanti Suparna Roychoudhury Supraja Balasubramanian Susan Barry Susan Desjardins Susan Ferraro, RN Susan Kare Susan O'Neill Susan Smith Susanne Mrozik Suzan-Lori Parks Sylvia Cifuentes T Kira Madden Tahmima Amam ’97 Tara Alterman Tara MacKay Tara Roberts ’91 Tasia Clemons Tayler Kreutter Taylor King Ted Gilliland Teresa Picard Terese Freedman Thakshala Tissera Theo Claire-McKown Theresa O’Banner Thiago de Paula Thomas Burbine Thomas Ciufo Thomas E. Wartenberg Thomas May Thomas Pousont Thomas Robert Tianhui Ng Tiffany Espinosa Tim Dietrick Timothy Chumley Timothy Farnham TJ Griffis TJ Jemison Tom Clark Tom Cote Tom R. Dennis Tom Ritter Tony Liu Tori Day Tracey Kry Tracey Sarlan Tracie Rubeck Travis Hodges Tricia Y. Paik Trish Kepler Trish Walsh ’87 Trisha Tanner ’00 Umama Zillur Vanessa James Vanessa Rosa Veronika Kivenson Victoria Mueller Viktoria Schweitzer Vincent A. Ferraro Virginia Apgar Virginia Bastable Vivian Hsu W. Donald Cotter W. Rochelle Calhoun ’83 P’13 Wei Chen Wendy Rua ’94 Wendy Wasserstein Wesley Chihyung Yu Whitney Jorns Kuhnlenz Will J. Millard William Girard William Quillian William Seigh Willie Perreault Xiaosong (Shelly) Wu ’93 Ximena Abello Hurtado Xuan Pham Yaldira Felix Castro Ying Wang Yossi Klement