Academic Honor Board

The Academic Honor Board (AHB) fortifies the College's commitment to academic integrity. A faculty committee with student representation reviews and adjudicates alleged violations of the honor code, ensuring consistency in interpretation, swift and impartial review of alleged infractions, and fair and equitable sanctions for confirmed violations. The AHB also serves as a resource for students, faculty, and administrators when questions concerning the interpretation of the academic honor code arise, regardless of whether an infraction is believed to have occurred. The AHB is distinct both in composition and purpose from the Honor Code Council, which is a student disciplinary board tasked with reviewing alleged violations of the honor code relating to social conduct.


  1. The dean of studies ex officio, who shall serve as chair of the AHB.
  2. Three additional faculty members appointed by the dean of faculty, one each from the three academic divisions of the College (humanities, science and mathematics, and social sciences).
  3. One student recommended by the Honor Code Council and appointed by the dean of studies.


The three faculty members shall serve staggered three-year terms, with at least two continuing members each academic year. The student may serve until graduation.


  1. Interpret the honor code in an advisory capacity for students, faculty, staff and administrators seeking clarification.
  2. Establish and publicize clear procedures for adjudicating alleged violations of the honor code.
  3. Receive all complaints concerning alleged academic violations of the honor code.
  4. Review promptly all reported complaints, ensuring that a fair, consistent and confidential process is followed.
  5. Recommend or decide on appropriate sanctions when the AHB determines that a violation of the honor code has occurred. No disciplinary action may be taken by a faculty or staff member concerning an alleged violation without prior consultation with the AHB.
  6. Present an annual report to the faculty summarizing committee business. The names of the parties involved in the cases shall be omitted to protect confidentiality.