Services Offered by Public Safety

From bike registration and lock out services to emergency transportation, we are here to help. We also hold several instructional workshops each year and can help provide general tips to keep you and your belongings safe.

Individual services

A pink bicycle locked to a bike rack and nearly buried in snow

Learn how and why to register your bike with Public Safety, as well as some tips on bicycle safety, maintenance and theft prevention.

A student opening a door to exit a bulding

Find out what to do if you are locked out of your room, office or car.

Items gathered via lost and found

Did you lose something on campus? We may have it in our lost and found. Did you find something that was lost? Bring it in and we will try to find the rightful owner.

The side of a public safety and service vehicle, with a seal and the words "Public Safety" painted on the doors

We will provide transportation for students who are too ill to get to the Health Center on their own and arrange for an ambulance if needed. We will also provide a safety escort from any campus location.

A student learning some vehicle maintence tips from a public safety officer

Public Safety and Service can assist car owners with jumping a dead battery or helping to arrange a tow.

Instruction and tips

Students taking part in a drunk driving simulation while a public safety officer observes

From alcohol and drug awareness to bicycle safety, CPR and self defense, Public Safety offers a wide variety of instructional programs.

A side-by-side photo of an open laptop alone on a table in the library and a bookbag left on a chair

Most thefts occurring on campus are crimes of opportunity. Learn some simple habits to help keep your valuables from being stolen.

Students on campus walkways between classes

Practice safe habits while both on and off campus.

Contact us

The Department of Public Safety and Service is committed to actively supporting, protecting and engaging with the community through mutual aid, harm reduction, conflict resolution and other best practices of safety and security.