Low/No Tech School Spaces
The number one benefit to low-tech or no-tech school spaces is to have the students step away from their ‘normal life’ and take stock of the choices they make and the impact those choices have on their lives.
Environmental Justice & Sustainability:
It’s cool for the kids, even though at this point a lot of these activists are in their late teens or early twenties, it’s cool for them to see that kids can do stuff and really make a difference.
Threat of the Triple Threat Model in Boarding Schools:
Fifty two percent of faculty and staff nationally believe that the triple threat model should be the model to stay. But also, there’s still the majority of the people that feel as though the triple threat model isn’t sustainable.
Women in a Men’s World:
How can an all boys’ school change to be a place where everyone feels respected, regardless of what gender they are and what role they have at the school?
Funding in Small Rural School Districts:
How much impact can small grants can have on small rural districts in the US? What could your school do with $10,000? What if the teachers decided how it was spent?
Brave vs. Safe: Creating Culturally Responsive Identity Affirming Classrooms with Em Ayres
When you're when you're thinking about a diverse classroom space and what that means, we need to invite our students to be brave as learners and build connection to each other.
School Culture Around Multilingual Immigrant and Refugee Students
There is a very unique way that we need to build relationships with our students and not just our immigrant and refugee students, but all students.
Education Advocacy Podcast: Teacher Retention with Eric Colwell
While teacher pay is a big topic when it comes to teacher retention, there are other issues that need to be addressed.
Arts Integration for Classroom Equity with Jessica Goodbred
Art is able to cater to different learning styles and abilities. Students are able to express themselves through multiple mediums and feel a sense of belonging and actually engage in the work because they have visual support, auditory support, and even movements. And art reaches students, especially those with special needs and even English language learners, which is something that we often have difficulties reaching.
Good Trouble with Leah McCarthy
It's really important for kids to understand at an early age that they do have some control and some say over their body and who is allowed access to it so that later in life it's not so difficult for students to say no or give consent.
Advocacy and Outreach: Diversity and Inclusive Classroom with Max Pfeffer
What does diversity and the inclusive classroom look like in private schools? It's more different than you might think.
Why it Matters: Teaching Biodiversity and the SDG’s Through a Social Justice Lens with Eliza Statile
One of the biggest things is teaching about biodiversity and sustainable development goals is promoting social justice by fostering awareness and action towards creating a more equitable and sustainable world.